Thursday 20 March 2014

Chia seeds

Chia seeds which commonly in India are known as "sabja". Didn't know of this seed till very late in my life. But had tasted it in few Indian frozen deserts and drinks. I was fascinated with it just because of the fact that it looked totally different once soaked in water.  It would simply swell up to double its size. Sabja or the tulsi seed ( yes chia seeds, sabja or tulsi seeds all are of the same family) is sold in dry form and is quite easily available in the market.It has a nutty flavor. ( India is full of different kinds of herbs, it's just that we have never heard of them thanks to the brands which only glorify the Italian/Chinese/ Thai herbs.)

   Simply soak it in water for 30mins and its ready to use.

This small little herb/seed is full of health benefits.
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acid, much more than other nuts, seeds & fish oil.
  • Its high in fiber therefore helps in constipation, lowering cholesterol & controlling blood sugar.
  • An absolute gluten free easy to digest protein. A great substitute for vegetarians.
  • Excellent antioxidant & very very high in calcium. 
  • The best and the most important fact is that you lose weight if you consume chia seeds regularly. (These seeds are supposed to expand in your tummy so you feel fuller, eat less & therefore lose weight.)
  • These seeds give a cooling effect & keep you hydrated.
  • If consumed at night, Chia seeds gives you a good night sleep.
  • Chia seeds are a great exfoliating scrub for your skin.
The benefits of Chia seeds are endless. Its a great idea to incorporate these seeds in our daily regime.

Few things that you can add Chia seeds to are

  1.  Milkshakes 
  2. Over your daily morning cereals
  3. Flavored yogurt 
  4. Lemonade 
  5. Topping for your Ice creams
  6. Cocktails & mocktails.
  7. Or simply store it in a decanter with drinking water.